- World’s Columbian Exposition, 1893
Official Directory
W. B. Conkey, Printer
- Souvenir map of the World’s Columbian Exposition at Jackson Park and Midway Plaisance
Compiled and drawn from actual official data by Hermann Heinze, Chief Draughtsman, Surveys and Grades Department, World’s Columbian Exposition.
Assisted by: D.H. Roberts, H.M. Schnepff, Heinze Bro’s.; Draughtsmen, Surveys & Grades Dep’t. W.C.E. Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division
Official Bird’s-Eye View, Of the World’s Columbian Exposition
Charles S. Graham
- Indexed Standard Guide Map of the World’s Columbian Exposition
Rand McNally
- Souvenir Map of Chicago
Chicago Tribune, August 13, 1893
- The Midway Plaisance
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