Location: 2035 S. Prairie (Old 975)
Occupants: Horatio Stone
Life Span: 1869-~1934
Edwards’ City of Chicago Directory for 1870-71
Stone, Horatio O. real estate, 144 Madison r. 975 Prairie av.
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1876
Stone, Horatio O. real estate, 146 Madison r. 975 Prairie av.
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1885
Stone, Horatio O. 2035 Prairie av.
Inter Ocean, July 21, 1877
Horatio O. Stone died at his residence on Prairie avenue yesterday morning at 10 o’clock. The deceased was one of our oldest and most respected citizens. Coming to this city in the year 1835, he has always taken an active and prominent part in the movements for the improvement of the city. He commenced his residence here as a merchant, but did not confine himself to merchandise, but extended his operations into real estate. Bold, independent, and energetic as a pioneer, he was broad-minded and comprehensive in his business when his rude log cabin had become a thing of the dusky past. Nor was he one who in good fortune alone float smoothly along, but in disaster and prospective ruin. Consequently, when the great fire came, though he lost heavily, the occasion was not one to dampen his ardor, but to renew and heighten his energy ot character. Of his family life it may be said that in that in 1855 be had the misfortune to lose his wife and children. After this great sorrow he went to Europe where he spent some time in travel. After returning from his trip he married the respected and accomplished lady who is now his mourning widow, and by whom he has had several children, who are thus rendered orphans..
Chicago Tribune, January 9, 1898
Bereavement came years ago to the home of Mrs. H. O. Stone, 2035 Prairie avenue. She has been a widow many years. Her children are everything to her now. These are Horatio and Carl, both married; Mrs. Secor Cunningham, whose runaway match startled Chicago society a few years ago; and Robert, a student at Yale, who is just now home for the holidays.
- 2035 S. Prairie Ave.
Robinson Fire Insurance Map
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