Occupants: Charles P. Kellogg
Location: 1923 S. Prairie (Old 941)
Life Span: 1875-~1945
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1876
Kellogg Charles P. (Charles P. Kellogg & Co.) 161 Franklin, house 941 Prairie av.
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1880
Kellogg Charles P. (Charles P. Kellogg & Co.) 167 Franklin, house 1923 Prairie av.
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1884
Kellogg Charles P. Mrs. house 1923 Prairie av.
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1885
Kellogg Charles P. Mrs. house 1923 Prairie av.
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1887
Kellogg Sarah H. Mrs. wid Charles, h 1923 Prairie av.
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1911
Kellogg Sarah H wid Chas P h 1923 Prairie av
Chicago Tribune, October 9, 1872
Among the substantial firms which have been doing business in Chicago for nearly a quarter of a century, none is better known than that of Charles P. Kellogg & Co., dealers in clothing and furnishing goods. They are at present doing business in Field & Leiter’s immense building, at the corner of Market and Madison streets, the eastern end of which they occupy, with their large and varied stock, four lofts, each 88x 190 feet. The commencement of their business dates back to an early period in the brief but prosperous history of Chicago. They were the first firm in the city that did a jobbing business in clothing. They began their trade in a modest building on South Water street, near Wells, where they remained about three years, at the expiration of that time moving into a handsome iron-front building at the corner of Wells and the same street. Continued prosperity rendered another change necessary, and the year 1860 found them at No, 27 Lake street in still more commodious quarters. A few years later they changed to Nos. 24 and 26 Lake street, where they were at the time of the fire. Their business, since its inauguration, has been characterized by a steady and healthy increase from year to year, The first year of their existence their soles aggregate $160,000, something unusual in a new firm that commenced operations in a new city, But even that seems small in the light of their transactions et the present time. Their annual sales are now immense, being fully equal in amount to those largest firms doing business in the same locality, in different departments of trade, such an extraordinary stimulus has the fire, which seemed at first an irreparable disaster, given to the commerce of Chicago. But it is not only in the indirect way of trade that Charles P. Kellogg & Co. contribute to the material wealth of the city. All of their clothing is made here, furnishing employment to not less than 3,000 people. A firm that supports so many employes, and all those dependent upon those employes, lays the city where it does business under a certain degree of obligation that should meet with substantial recognition.
- 1923 S. Prairie Ave.
Rand McNally Birds’ Eye View of Chicago
Chicago Tribune, December 31, 1881
Charles P. Kellogg & Co.,
the oldest clothing-house in Chicago, began business here in 1852, and was first establisited by Palmer V. Kellogg, the senior member of the present firm. From this tirst it occupied a leading position in its line, and it has more than kept pace with the progress of Chicago and the West. It is strictly a wholesale house, and, while The Tribune does not feel justified in giving precedence to either of the three houses named in respect to volume of business and is aware that in the mutations of trade what is first today may be second tomorrow, and that public estimate is often at fault, yet it is fair to say that though each house has business friends who claim for it the first position, that the concurrent belief of a large majority assign to this house the first place—primus inter pares—chief among equals.
Its trade now extends north into Canada, east to the Alleghenies, south to the Mexican Gulf, and west to the Pacific. We are so accustomed to business on a large scale and so familiarized to vast transactions that it is only when strangers visit us and express their astonishment at the volume of trade done by such a house as Charles P. Kellogg & Co. that we open our eyes to the fact that this truly representative Chicago house occupies such a conspicuous position in the clothing trade of the country.
It would be a great mistake to suppose that such a house rests on its laurels and relaxes its industry and enterprise. On the contrary, it stretches out its Briarean arms over half a continent, inviting thirty millions of people to be clothed in suitable garments at the lowest possible cost. And dealers have learned by past experience that it is safe and profitable to take their word and buy their goods. And this is the way they gather them in.
Chicago Tribune, April 22, 1883
Charles P. Kellogg.
At 9 o’clock Friday night Charles P. Kellogg, the well-known merchant, passed away in the 46th year of his life. Mr. Kellogg was born in Utica, N. Y., in 1837. His father, Palmer V. Kellogg, who survives him, was a quarter of a century ago one of the most prominent public men in Utica, N. Y. In 1856 the deceased came to Chicago, and two years later he became a member of the firm of Barrett, King & Co., wholesale clothiers, and has been in the same business ever since. In 1860 the firm was changed into King, Kellogg & Co., and in 1862 a change took place which formed the well-known firm of Charles P. Kellogg & Co. The firm will retain the same name hereafter. Mr. Kellogg was a model merchant, a good citizen, a true gentleman, and a loving husband and father. Nearly four years ago be began to feel the approach of consumption -the disease that caused his death. He leaves a widow, a son, and a daughter to mourn bis departure.
The funeral will take place today from his late residence, No. 1923 Prairie avenue, and the remains will be taken to Utica, N. Y., in the afternoon.
The Commercial Club held a special meeting at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon in Parlor O of the Palmer House for the purpose of taking appropriate action upon the death of Mr. Kellogg. A. A. Carpenter presided, and Franklin MacVeagh, Henry W. King, and E. W. Blatchford were appointed a committee to draft a proper tribute of respect. They reported a memorial which touched feelingly upon the life and long illness of the deceased, and the great interest be took for the right in municipal affairs, and extending the sympathy of the members to the bereaved family and friends.
Chicago Tribune, April 24, 1915
Income of Widow’s $400,000 Goes to Daughter, Granddaughter, and Five Friends Under Will.
The will of Mrs. Sarah H. Kellogg, widow of Charles P. Kellogg, disposing of her $400.000 estate, of which $300,000 is personalty, was filed in the Probate court yesterday. A daughter, a granddaughter, and five friends are benefited in the document.
Walter F. Cobb and his wife, Caroline, of Santa Barbara, Cal., are bequeathed $10,000 each. The remainder of the estate is to be held in trust by the Merchants’ Loan and Trust company, executor and trustee.
The will provides $10,000 be set aside as a fund for Mrs. Bertha Terry of Boise, Idaho. She is to get the income and at her death the fund is to revert to the estate. Frances M. Lund and Mrs. Bertha L. Belden, both of 2018 Prairie avenue, are to share equally the income of $30,000 in trust.
The income derived from the remainder of the estate will go to Mrs. Kellogg’s daughter, Lois Kellogg, of 1923 Prairie avenue, divorced wife of Pierpont Isham.
Chicago Tribune, November 8, 1916
Fail to Answer Suspect Notices in First Ward and Appeal to Election Board for Right to Vote.
“Lady Lois” Isham and her mother, Mrs. Lois Kellogg, who figured in a sensational will contest in the Circuit court recently involving the large estate of Mme. Sarah H. Kellogg, appeared at the office of the election commissioners in the city hall yesterday. They were indignant because their names have been stricken from the register of the Twenty-first precinct of the First ward, where they formerly resided. They now live in Lake Forest, having moved some months ago from 1923 Prairie avenue.
They were informed suspect notices had been left at the Prairie avenue address and their names scratched from the books when proof as to their qualifications was not forthcoming.
The mother said she left a sick bed to vote. Mrs. Kellogg said she and her daughter were to have left three weeks ago for the south, but the trip was postponed solely so that they could cast ballots. They were told they could not vote.
After a several weeks’ session before Judge Windes a jury decided that “Lady Lois” and her mother must remain content on the income of $500,000 left them by the will of the late Mme.
- 1923 S. Prairie Ave.
Robinson Fire Insurance Map
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