Occupants: Horatio Hitchcock (1804), Andrew J. Galloway (1808)
Location: 1804 & 1808 S. Prairie (Old) 888 & 890 Double House
Life Span: 1858-1886
D. B. Cooke & Co.’s City Directory, 1859-60
Hitchcock Horatio, physician, h. Prairie cor Old Cross
Galloway Andrew J., (Andrew J. Galloway & Co.), h. Prairie av nr Old
- Prairie Avenue
Old (18th street) to Cross (19th street)
Halpin & Bailey’s Chicago City Directory for the Year 1863-1864
Hitchcock Horatio, (Hitchcock & Tucker,) physician, h. Prairie av. and 18th.
Galloway Andrew J., real estate agt., 180 Lake, h. w. s. Prairie av., nr 18th (See advt., p. 168.)
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1876
Hitchcock Horatio, physician 529 State, house 888 Prairie
Galloway Andrew J., (A. J. Galloway & Son Madison sw. cor. State, house 890 Prairie
Lakeside Annual Directory for the City of Chicago, 1880
Hitchcock S. J. wid. Dr. H. house 1804 Prairie av.
Galloway Andrew J. dep. co. clerk 1 county bldg. house 1808 Prairie av.
The Land Owner, May, 1874
- 588 & 590 Prairie
Double House
Chicago Tribune, April 19, 1885
Significant Sale of a Residence Lot.
The sale of the southwest corner of Prairie avenue and Eighteenth street to J. J. Glessner for $50.000, reported during the last week, indicates that, notwithstanding the general dullness in trade, there are men in Chicago who have the disposition and the means to gratify their taste for an elegant home. It also shows that really choice residence lots are steadily increasing in value. A few years ago, before building in his present location, J. W. Doane offered $40,000 for this same property, and this price was then considered by the owners an adequate one, but owing to complications among the Hitchcock heirs the sale was not made. The price now paid—about $675 per foot—is not considered an extravagant one for this choice corner, being considerably less than that paid by Mr. Moulton for an inside lot in the same block more than three years ago.
Mr. Glessner is the Chicago representative of the house of Warder, Bshnell & Glessner of Springfield, O. He now resides on West Washington Street. He will build an elegant home on his purchase as soon as his plans are completed. Thomas A. Putnam negotiated the sale of the property..
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