Location: 1637 S. Prairie (Old 847)
Occupants: Jesse Spalding
Life Span: 1866-TBD
Edwards’ City of Chicago Directory for 1867
Spalding Jesse (Welles & Spalding), r. Indiana av. bet. 16th and 17th
Edwards’ City of Chicago Directory for 1869-70
Spalding Jesse (Spalding & Porter), r. 847 Prairie av.
Edwards’ City of Chicago Directory for 1870-71
Spalding Jesse (Spalding & Porter), r. 847 Prairie av.
Edwards’ City of Chicago Directory for 1871
Spalding Jesse (Spalding, Houghtelling & Johnson), r. 847 Prairie av.
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1874
Spalding Jesse, lumber, 250 S. Water, r. 847 Prairie av.
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1876
Spalding Jesse, lumber, 250 S. Water, house 847 Prairie av.
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1880
Spalding Jesse, lumber, 248 South Water, house 1637 Prairie av.
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1884
Spalding Jesse, pres. Spalding lumber co. 248 South Water and U. S. coll. customs 14 Govt. bldg. house 1637 Prairie av.
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1885
Spalding Jesse, pres. Spalding lumber co. 248 South Water and U. S. coll. customs 14 Govt. bldg. house 1637 Prairie av.
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1887
Spalding Jesse, pres. 248 South Water, h. 1637 Prairie av.
Lakeside Directory for the City of Chicago for the Year of 1904
Hibbard, William G. Jr. 2d v pres Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co. 1 State, h 1637 Prairie av.
Inter Ocean, April 3, 1874
WHALES’ BACK.—Jesse Spalding of Hotelling, Johnson & Spalding lumber dealers of this city, is now in Washington, for the purpose of having & lighthouse built on Whales’ Back Reef, Green Bay, He has succeeded in getting the matter before the Lighthouse Board, and the prospect now is that during next summer a lighthouse will be built at that point.
- 1637 S. Prairie Ave.
Robinson Fire Insurance Map
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