Occupants: Joseph Liebenstein, Joseph McBirney (1885), John H. Hamline
Location: 1619 S. Prairie (Old 833)
Life Span: 1873-
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1874
Liebenstein, Joseph J. Liebenstein & Co. r. 833 Prairie av.
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1876
Liebenstein, Joseph (J. Liebenstein & Co.) 80 Randolph, house 833 Prairie av.
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1880
Liebenstein, Joseph (Spiegel & Co.) 251 Wabash av. house 1619 Prairie av.
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1884
McBirney, Joseph, sec. McBirney & Johnston white lead co. W. 16th cor. Brown. h. 1619 Prairie av.
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1887
Hamline John H., (Hamline & Scott) 60, 107 Dearborn, h. 1621 Prairie av.
A. N. Marguis & Co.’s Business Directory of Chicago 1887-8
Hamline L. P. Dr. 1631 Prairie av.
Chicago Tribune, September 4, 1874
Albert Liebenstein fell from the platform of a moving train of cars on the Michigan Central Railroad, yesterday morning, near Van Buren street, and had his right leg broken in two places. He was removed to his home, No. 833 Prairie avenue.
Chicago Tribune, October 25, 1880
FOR SALE 1619 PRAIRIE-AV., BETWEEN Sixteenth and Seventeenth sts., lot 33×140 fronts Lake Michigan and Prairie-av., 14-room. Mansard roof, brick dwelling. The house will please any one if you will take the trouble to look through it. Owner lives in and will show it to any one who wants to buy. It has every modern convenience, 8 large sleeping chambers, 3 rooms deep, and in one of the most respectable neighborhoods in Chicago. It is certainly a great bargain at $13,500
Inter Ocean, April 18, 1886
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hamlin have removed to their new residence, No. 1619 Prairie avenue.
Inter Ocean, February 17, 1889
Mrs. Joseph L McBirney of No. 1619 Prairie avenue, gave a tea Monday afternoon in honor of her guests, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Snowdon Smith of Cincinnati. The receiving party was; Mrs. McBirney, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Clinton Locke.
Chicago Tribune, July 5, 1891
J. Foster Rhodes will build a handsome residence at No. 1619 Prairie avenue. A short time ago Mr. Rhodes paid $18,000 for the lot, 33½x130 feet. He now contemplates improving the lot at an expenditure of three times this amount.
- 1619 S. Prairie Ave.
Robinson Fire Insurance Map
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