General Cigar Co. Exhibit
The exhibit shows in operation two modern cigar making machines which produce 10,000 cigars a day. Other machines complete the operation of wrapping the finished cigars in cellophane and applying the revenue stamps, all without the cigars being touched by hands. Lounge and rest room adjoins the exhibit.
General Cigar
The Official Guide Book of the World’s Fair
General Cigar Exhibit of women making cigars
The Official Guide Book of the World’s Fair
George Wittmer says
Can anyone at Chicagology find any information at all regarding MOTOR VILLAGE related to 1933 World’s Fair / Century of Progress? I have a sign which reads “MOTOR VILLAGE / Approved by / 1933 / A Century of Progress / CHICAGO.” Sign is 30″ in height, cut to shape, with spinning earth, double sided — apparently hung on a bracket. Thanks, George