Plymouth Court Parking Garage, Plymouth Court Self-Park, 711 S. Plymouth Building
Life Span: 1927-Present
Location: 701-717 South Plymouth Court
Architect: Louis E. Russell
Chicago Tribune, June 19, 1927
Motorists who park their cars to the loop may be pleased to learn that a garage is under construction at 701-17 Plymouth court, between Harrison and Polk, which will provide accommodations for 500 automobiles. The owners are Holton, Seelye & Co. and the structure will be ready for occupancy about Sept. 15.
Designed by Louis E. Russell, the building will have a frontage of 150 feet on Plymouth court, running back 100 feet to the alley. It will be six stories and basement high and will be of reinforced concrete construction. The front wall will be of face brick, with cut stone trim.
Nine Stations in Loop.
In telling about the new building. Frederick Doyle of H. O. Stone & Co., who are underwriting a $250,000 bond issue on it, gives some interesting figures. For instance, in the loop, it is said, there are only nine service garages. Against this number, Cleveland has 38, Denver 25, Pittsburgh 17, St. Paul 20, San Francisco 18, Indianapolis 23, Atlanta 12, Boston 30, Los Angeles 41, and Seattle 15.
Chicago bas 341,000 automobiles, but it has only space for 4,532 cars in its busiest section.
Los Angeles, only third the size, has downtown parking space for 24,000 cars.
To Have Gentle Slopes.
Returning to the Plymouth garage for a moment, it’s to be of the ramp type, with slopes as gentle as the approaches to the Michigan avenue bridge. Each car owner will put his own car in his own stall and will use a fast electric elevator for the return trip. Further it’s said that the prices will be gentle.
The development is to represent an investment of $503,366, it is stated.
Chicago Tribune, June 29, 1927
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