37 Catalogue Trimming Machine
Every modern machine and appliance known to the bookmaking industry is employed in the printing plant tu faciiitate the rapid and the economical production of our Great Catalogue. In another view we show you the main aisle of the great press room, and in other views we show you additional machinery used in manufacturing our catalogue, all of which machinery is employed in our printing processes to bring the book up to the stage in manufacturing which makes the use of the machine shown in this illustration necessary. This is one of our two machines known as Continuous Catalogue Trimmers. After the paper has passed through the presses and the sections have been gathered together and bound in the Automatic Covering Machines, the top and bottom and the right hand edges of the book are in a rough, unfinished condition. The book is then fed into one of the great machines shown in the picture on the other side of this card, and great knives trim the unfinished edges and make the catalogue ready for mailing. This machine has a capacity of 20,000 of our 1200-page catalogues per day.
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