Men’s and Boys’ Clothing
One of the great industries within our gigantic institution is our clothing manufacturing plant, with its complete and modern equipment, occupying the entire ninth floor of our huge Merchandise Building. It is flooded with daylight from both windows and skylights, and is the cleanest and most sanitary manufactunng plant in existence, so that our great force of expert draftsmen, cutters, trimmers and tailors work amid the most congenial and healthful surroundings. It is indeed the finest and largest plant of its kind in the world. _
To give you some idea of the immense clothing trade that this plant takes care of, we receive from 3,000 to 5,000 requests per day from our customers who desire our various free sample books of men’s ready made clothing, men’s made to order clothing and boys’ clothing. These, together with our large catalogue, bring us clothing orders at the rate of from 4,000 to 6,000 per day. This shows how thoroughly the buying public appreciates the fact that we are quoting manufacturers’ prices on clothing (just about one-half retail prices). We show you a view of part of our cutting department, where we have about 750,000 yards of cloth on hand all the time. We carry constantly a stock of about 50,000 men’s ready made suits, not including overcoats and single pants, and a stock of about 25,000 boys’ suits. This is constantly being sent out on orders from our customers, and being replaced by new stock from our manufacturing plant, so that we ship hundreds of thousands of suits and other garments during the year; and, in addition to this, great quantities of working clothing, fur coats, etc., for which we have a special factory outside of Chicago.
It is this great manufacturing department with its superb equipment and its enormous consumption of woolens made especially for us, which enables us to name such remarkable prices on every grade of clothinl for men and boys, really manufacturers’ cost, with but the smallest margin of profit added.
Sears 1906 Spring Catalog
Pages 966-967
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