The Chicago Express was first published by William H. Brackett, from 92 Lake Street, on 24 October 1842, and was a daily afternoon paper, with a weekly edition published Tuesdays. It was a continuation of the old Daily American, and mounted the legend “For President, Henry Clay,” at the head of its editorial column; and this fact will explain Mr. Beckett’s retirement from the American. The Express was a five-column folio, 13″ by 9½” in size. It was maintained until 20 April 1844, when it was sold to a company of gentlemen for $1,500, among whom were George W. Meeker, John Frink, Buckner S. Morris, Jonathan Young Scammon, S. Lisle Smith, Jacob Russell, Walter R. Newberry, Gilews Spring, Grant Goodrich, and George W. Dole. The office then situated, it is stated, in the third story of A. Rossetter’s block, 82 Lake Street, opposite the Tremont House. The weekly edition, together with the daily, was discontinued.
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